

This blog was created for Business Information System(BIS) MGT 2303 subject in Netherlands Maritime Institute of Technology (NMIT) in Johor Bahru, Johor , Malaysia. 

First of all, the idea of the team name was taken from dutch word which bring the meaning of sailor in English. This is an ideal name for our team as the instruction need us to use a name that have connection with maritime industry. So, we decide to use matroos and add 's' behind the matroos to show that we are not alone, but were eight. It is because 's' shows plural in English word. That is how matrooss crew were build.To know about the team member's , you can click on the members.

The blog were devided into several sections which are :

Task 1 : Latest IT gadget

Task 2 : Summary of Business Information System

Task 3 : Importance of Soft Skills in IT

Task 4 : Information System and Revolution

Task 5 : Organization Strategy of Maritime Industry

Task 6 : Business Driver of Information System




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Sea Ship